Vildan Shemi-zadeh's homepage
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Vildan Eshrefovich Shemi-zadeh was born on January 19, 1946, in Chinabad, Andizhan (UzSSR). His father, Eshref Abduramanovich Shemi-zadeh (1908-1978), a well-known Crimean Tatar poet, and his mother, Saide Alievna Bodaninskaya (born in 1912), a designer, found themselves in the Central Asia after the total deportation of Crimean Tatars in 1944. On liberalizing the commandant surveillance regime, in 1958, they moved to Tashkent where, in 1964, Vildan Shemi-zadeh entered the Tashkent State University to study physics. In 1969, he graduated from the University with a degree in theoretical and mathematical physics (M.Sc.Phy.).
Till the middle of the seventies, Vildan Shemi-zade worked in the Institute of Electronics of the UzSSR Academy of Sciences. In 1975-1976, he moved to Moscow where, in 1976, joined the Laboratory of Theory of Oscillations, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He is on the Institute staff to this very day. Vildan Shemi-zadeh has been doing researches in different branches of theoretical and mathematical physics. However, his major interest keeps being focused on the two following problems: (1) time reversibility-irreversibility (problem of the Statistical Physics foundation), (2) a mystic condition of the Quantum Theory grounds (problem of physical substantiation of the Quantum Mechanics). The long searching proves to be effective, Vildan Shemi-zadeh has managed to find a solution to these problems that makes his principal contribution to science. The site contains texts of the papers on such and other topics to familiarize with.
At present (June of 2002), Vildan Shemi-zadeh is seriously ill and bedridden, has undergone difficult operations. Nevertheless, he manages to correct and prepare some of his unpublished works for printing. Our Center for Advanced Researches (TMP-Center, Moscow) cooperates with Vildan Eshrefovich Shemi-zadeh from the date of its setting up in 1999. The Center provides any possible technical assistance.
Vildan E. Shemi-zade has handed over his archive to the Center, which further will have to be passed to the Archive Department of the Republican Library named after I. Gasprinsky in Simferopol (8-Samokisha St.; Simferopol, Crimea Republic, Ukraine, Tel.: (0652)249-560, e-mail:
The present personal Home Page has been developed on our initiative and with our technical support.
TMP-Center, Moscow, 2002. E-mail: